Age Of AI Reflection

 There are many positives to artificial intelligence and machine learning. It can be used to automate boring tasks that human do, like putting a car together or doing complex math problems. This will make the task more effiecient as well as faster, without the risk of human error. We can do more while taking less time. AI provides many oppurtunitys to people who might otherwise be left without, like self driving cars for those that can not afford them or medical diagnosis quicker than humans can see. It also poses many risks as well. AI facial reconizition is used to unlock your phone, pay for groceries, and find who did a crime. This is convient, but comes with risks. AI can be used by the government to track people like they do in China. It can be hacked and used against ordinary people. It can mean a barrier against identity theft, but because of AI we also have deep fakes that can seen exactly like the person it is imitating. AI can use your information that it learns from you to put targeted ads in your popups and emails. 

AI has drawbacks in terms of privacy. It can collect your personal data to be exploited by various companies for their own gain. It can track your location and everywhere you go. And while facial reconition is widespread nowadays, it does not mean it is always accurate. Through targeted ads and information, a person could be put into a filter bubble. AI also has vulnerbility to cyber attacks, making it easier for hackers to get your information. All this is compounded by the fact that data collection is completely legal at a federal level. 

It can also have benefits up to the national level. National security can benefit from AI intelligence. In the future artificial intelligence could help shape national security policy, including such things like deciding what weapons system to use.  This would have to be a serious investment however, as it would take many years and many tax dollars to reach its full potential. National security could benefit greatly from AI, but it also could be a costly mistake. 


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