What I Learned About 5 Eyes

During the class presentations I learned about the organization 5 Eyes. It is an intelligence organization made up of The United States, Britian, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The purpose of this group is to share intelligence among themselves. It was first formed in 1946 after World War 2. Its first intention was preventing the Russians from learning American secrets. It then grew with the inclusion of Australia, New Zealand and Canada. 

There are many different intelligence sharing groups like NATO, but it is not equal to Five Eyes. Because of the shared language and interests, information sharing between the nations involved in the organization is more effective than other organizations that might include many countries with conflicting interests. They moniter each others citizens for intelligence, a fact that was relativly unknown until it was exposed by Edward Snowden in 2013. 

% Eyes has been helpful in the aftermath of terrorist attacks. In a report by CNN they say "the Five Eyes agreed to share with France some of their most sensitive intelligence on ISIS in Syria because of the November 2015 Paris terror attacks, a US official told CNN on condition of anonymity at the time." This information was shared in France because 5 Eyes is a trust based system relying on both parties anonymously. 


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