Anti War is Anti American

I think anti war opinions are hard to find because it does not suit the interests of the government. The government does not want its citizens to be against the actions they take. The US relies on its military prescence to boost its own economic outcomes, like with the wars in the Middle East. From these wars, the US gained favorable oil prices for themselves. The US gains more than they lose by supressing anti war voices. The US continues to stay in the Middle East to prevent hostile powers from controlling the oil supply. There are few to begin with, since the war in the Middle East has gone on for so long and was launched after the 9/11 attack. Because of this, few Americans are willing to speak out against what they have been told is a rightful war.  

Another part of this is weariness of the war in the Middle East. The Middle Eastern wars have been going on for over 2 decades, with no signs of actually stopping until recently. This constant state of war has left people tired of the war but will not speak out against it because of the desire to respect the troops through the idea that not supporting those that fight for your freedoms is un American. Americans are supposed to support freedom, and that is what the military is fighting the Taliban and other terrorist groups for. No one would say that Muslims or women do not deserve religous freedom or basic human rights, and thus the anti war stance is not made. While American are not excessively pro war, they are not vocally anti war because of this either. Citizens do not want to seem unappreciative of what the military does for them. 


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