8 Values Of Free Expression

 The first of the eight values of free expression are market place of ideas. This refers to the idea that a license should not be required to publish or print something. There are many examples of this in the modern world. There are a multitude of websites like Wordpress where anyone can make their own website and start publishing content in minutes. All that is required is an email address and a username plus a password- the same things needed for any social media site, which means everyone is able to use it. I feel like this is one of the most important values because it allows everyone to have a voice, easily in this modern age. 

The second is participation in self government. Citizens must be informed about all policies to be able to make a well informed decsion about the canidate or canidates they are selecting for office. One example of this is political ads. Each canidate usually lists what office they are running for, why they are qualified and what platform or issues they are running on. They have debates and interviews with other political parties and news outlets. The citizens who are voting have free access to this with the politicians speaking their mind without government interference. Thus, American citizens are able to make a well informed choice about who they choose to support. 

The third is stable change. This allows citizens to freely vent about the government without fear of retaliation. An example of this is fringe groups like people who believe Bush did 9/11, or those that think school shootings are faked by the government for gun control. Allowing these people to vent about such things makes them feel like they are being heard and the government can moniter them to make sure they do not do anything violent. Their views may not be agreed with by some, but that does not mean they do not deserve a voice assuming it is not hurting anyone else. 

The fourth is individual self fulfillment. People are allowed free speech as their right to express their identity. This applies to things such clothing because that is part of self expression. An example of free speech as a sense of identity is the legalization of gay marriage. While not everyone agreed with this display of self expression, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of it as it was their right to free speech. 

The fifth is check on government power. The public as well as the press is part of the check and balance system to keep the government from overstepping. This applies to government overreach as well as the actions of the President deemed to be inappropriate for someone in office. An example of this is the publics reaction to former President Trump. He would often tweet inflammatory remarks about everyone from his political opponets to people he did not like. News outlets and the public were quick to call him out for doing so whenever he did, as that was not behavior befitting of a President and representative of America. 

The sixth is promoting tolerance. This applies to free speech, which does not allow for speech that is hateful toward others. If a person posts racist opinions or something offensive, the platform that they posted it on can remove the post. It would not be a violation of free speech as the first amendment does not apply to hate speech. Similar to check on government power, Twitter banning former President Trump for his tweets is not a violation of his free speech as he had posted hateful things about people and did not follow the community guidelines. 

The seventh is promote innovation. This relates to free speech as the citizens will be more creative with the freedom to express their thoughts. Free speech allows for the free spread of ideas and research that silencing citizens would not. The US is a leader in innovation compared to Iraq or North Korea which have oppressive governments without free speech. Free speech promotes innovation and is for the betterment of society not only in the country it is allowed in but the whole world which could benefit from advances in technology, medicine, or new ideas. 

The eighth is protect dissent. This protects a person when expressing a view that is not the majority. It is a right to disagree with the government or the majority opinion. An example of this is the war in Afghanistan. People heavily disagree with the way Joe Biden choose to leave Afghanistan and the people that lived there. American citizens were left stranded and thousands of pieces of military equipment was left for the Taliban when they took back over. Critisizing him and how he handled the situation is protected under the first amendment without retaliation. 


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