What I Learned About The Phonograph

 During the EOTO presentations, I learned about the phonograph from someone else. I found this really interesting as phonographs were a precursor to the CD player. A phonograph is an early machine that produced sound as well as recording through cylinders. It reproduces sound through the vibration of a needle following groves in a disk. It is also known as a record player. It was created by Thomas Edison in 1877. He created this by combining his previous inventions of the telegraph and telephone. The machine was used in World War 1 by the Army. The phonograph was popular from the 1890s up until the World War 1 era.  

The first recordings were made by Edison by making indentations on a piece of tinfoil, which was then wrapped around a cylinder to be played. It was redeveloped over the years by Edison and others to produce better results. Columbia Records produced the long playing record in 1948 which could play for 30 minutes on each side of the record. Phonographs had 5 main components. these components were a turntable, stylus, pickup, amplifier, and loudspeaker.  


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