Privacy In The Digital Age

 Privacy is something everyone takes for granted, even in the age of social media. We assume that we have privacy in our personal lives, regardless of whether it is true or not. The government has access to private information and can track you in a car. Police departments have a record of license plates from ordinary people. They have not done anything wrong, but their record is being gathered anyway. It can be used to target people, as NYPD did to mosques. Your location is freely avalible to law enforcement. They can track a person using cell phone towers to know everywhere they go. Good for finding criminals, but not so much when it can be used on citizens who have done nothing wrong. 

While surveillance happens many different ways, the most prominent is cell phones. People can access your phone calls or texts to find out information about you without you knowing. Luckily with modern tech encryption has become better and it is no longer as big of an issue. This is great, but it also only applies to cell phone and computer features. Most people do not stop and think about the cameras watching them when they are walking down the street, but they are there none the less. A hacker could access them and use it for stalking or other wrong reasons. It encourages the government to watch those that do not need watching just for the sake of a "what if" future. The government should not be spying on citzens who have done nothing wrong. To protect ourselves from invasions of privacy we need to demand transparency from the government about how they interact with the American people. 


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