US Supreme Court

From the article by the History Channel, I learned that the Supreme Court was made in 1789. I also learned that there would be six justices of the Supreme Court. I had always thought that there were supposed to be nine justices each appointed by the President. I also learned that the first meeting of the Supreme Court was in New York City. This suprised me because I thought the Supreme Court was located in Virginia and that seemed like a more likely meeting place as well as more convient. Another fact I learned from this article that I did not already know was that the first case the Supreme Court had ruled upon was a farmers financial issue. 

I think the most important take away point about the Supreme Court is the system of checks and balances it has with others and within itself. To get a seat in the Supreme Court, a person must first be nominated by the current President of the United States. Then, the Senate must confirm the President's choice for a justice in order for them to become part of the Supreme Court. If both those thing do not happen, that person will not sit on the Supreme Court. There is also checks and balances within the court system. If someone disagrees with an appellate court decsion, they can ask the Supreme Court to hear their case and make a different ruling. 

The most suprising thing to me that I learned is that the Supreme Court presides over impeachment trials for Presidents. I would have thought this would be a conflict of interest, since the President is the one to appoint them to the Supreme Court seat and side with the president being impeached instead of making a logical, unbiased without opinion judgment. 

It changed the way I see the Supreme Court as I have a better understanding of how the system works now. I know how it ties in to the larger court system and courts below it, as well as how justices get a seat on the Supreme Court. I also have an understanding of how the Supreme Court justices 


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